We walked in the caves

Around the world 2014-2015 Gallery

We all walked into the cave and it has brought us more or less lucky:
In the Carlsbad Caverns we accomplished our exploit namely to put our feet in one of the largest caves in the world. It was very nice although a little dark. It is also a very wet cave. But we managed to take pictures (see below) …
This brought luck since we could hang out afterwards our tires and other pedals along the Rio Grande, the Mexican border. This gave us the impression to travel a little, it’s always nice.
Didier has particularly affected the grace and chance was spoiled when the toilets latch in which he had locked himself broke, next to Lake Amistad. what was he doing in that restroom? Well, the same as what you would have done, disgusting pigs. We heard far his calls, tried to disassemble the lock with our tools to find that inside the door opened a hornet’s nest (double shot Didier lucky play well !!). Finally, it is with a good shot well placed that we blew the door to free our Didier who started to look for something to get a blanket to sleep in the toilet (2 m² was quick to see available accessories). The hunger that gnawed the last few minutes was satisfied to blow meat on a wood fire. Because yes, one cheek barbecue almost every day, that’s the great outdoors!
So Didier worked well in the cave, then was fucked in shit.
But everything is well finished now!

Roswell – Balmorhea (via Carlsbad caverns)

2 km
1 mi
LeafletOpenStreetMap contributeurs


Balmorhea – Alpine (via Fort Davis)

2 km
1 mi
LeafletOpenStreetMap contributeurs


Alpine – Langtry

2 km
1 mi
LeafletOpenStreetMap contributeurs


Langtry – Seminole Canyon

2 km
1 mi
LeafletOpenStreetMap contributeurs


Seminole Canyon – Amistad Lake

2 km
1 mi
LeafletOpenStreetMap contributeurs


Amistad Lake – San Antonio (via Del Rio et balade en vélo)

2 km
1 mi
LeafletOpenStreetMap contributeurs


8 thoughts on “We walked in the caves

  1. Ah! Que j’aime cet “On a marché dans la grotte” Et que vos êtes beaux en Bonny and Clyde. Je sens que mon esprit flotte encore

  2. Coucou,

    Je ne sais pas ou vous serez a ce moment la mais on va peut etre se croiser : j’arrive a Houston mardi en fin d’apres-midi !
    Bises a tous

  3. Nous sommes morts de rire …! Eh oui, on aime ….

    Et bravo Didier, tu fais fort ces jours-ci ! C’est aussi un morceau de chance le passage de Jérôme à Houston …
    Bravo encore pour les photos, c’est toujours super beau, quel magnifique tour du monde vous aurez fait.
    Bises à tous les quatre.

  4. Il y tant de belles et drôles choses que ne sais lesquelles mettre en évidence. J’ai mis Bonnie and Clyde sur mon fond d’écran tant Bérengère et Matthias sont criant de vérité. On a marché dans la grotte est tout à fait de mon niveau, modestie mise à part. Les passages sont magnifiques, mais cela depuis le départ. Enjoy your trip (c’est comme ça qu’on dit dans le coin).

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